Blog along at your own risk

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

The list of individuals and companies that have screwed me over, in one way or another, over the past 12 months is growing and growing. TGI Fridays, UPS, PayPal, Wachovia, Salvatore Wise Jr. of Philadelphia (or someone pretending to be him), and others I can't think of at the moment. Every entity that gets money from me without reciprocating in the form of goods and services loses. Either they lose by having me take my business to their competitors (TGI Friday's mistake has cost them at least $3000 since March) or they lose by having me initiate legal action against them (Sal Wise now has a record with the FBI and the US Postal Inspection Service). I am merciless to people who take my money, but so far I stay within the law. God help everyone if I decide to move beyond that limitation.

posted by John Otis Comeau 4:10 PM

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Incoherent ramblings of a pseudointellectual psychonerd

Author: John Comeau, jc AT jcomeau DOT com,
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